Brainy Crew Web App Course Overview

Brainy Crew Web App Program

Build Your Own AI Passion Project

Embark on a 5-week journey where we guide you from your concept for an AI-driven web app to a fully functional project, ready for deployment. This program is specifically designed to help high school students develop a unique AI web application aligned with their personal interests.

Our program offers personalized mentorship and hands-on guidance, empowering students to bring their AI web app ideas to life. As fellow high school students, we understand the challenges and opportunities that come with developing a passion project. Our experience, coupled with a deep understanding of AI technologies, allows us to provide tailored support every step of the way.

Week 1 - Introduction and Planning Your AI Web App

Course Overview: Introduction to the program as a whole.
Planning: How to identify a meaningful project idea and develop a clear plan of action.
Technology Overview: Refresher and review over essential web development languages (HTML, CSS, JavaScript).
Expectations by next week: Project proposal is drafted, outlining the passion project's idea and objectives.

Week 2 - Learning the Tools: React.js and Node.js

React.js Basics: Understanding components, props, states, etc.
Node.js Basics: Introduction to server-side programming and API integration.
Actual Project Work: Start building the rudimentary structure of your web app.
Accomplished: Developed a relatively simple interactive feature using React.js + Node.js.

Week 3 - Integrating AI: OpenAI and API Development

AI Fundamentals: Overview of AI as a whole and its real-world applications.
OpenAI API: Learn how and when to integrate AI capabilities into your web app.
Project Work: Implement AI features using the OpenAI API, such as adding an AI chatbot, a recommendation engine, or more.
Accomplished: Build a basic AI-powered feature within your web app.

Week 4 - Enhancing Your Web App and Debugging

Advanced Features: Adding more complex functionalities, such as login user authentication, data storage, and an enhanced UI/UX design.
Debugging + Optimization: Learn how to identify and fix bugs and enhance the overall user experience.
Project Work: Continue building on your web app, now focusing mainly feature completeness and quality of service to user.
Accomplished: Refine the web app and prepare for the final touches.

Week 5 - Finalizing and Presenting Your AI Web App

Testing: Review multiple ways on testing the application and fixing any remaining issues.
Final Review: Comprehensive review of your project, with feedback from mentors.
Presentation: Present your completed AI web app tox your peers and mentors.
Accomplished: Make any final adjustments and prepare your web app to be deployed.

This program is designed to provide you with a solid foundation in web development and AI, allowing you to create a project that reflects your passions and showcases your skills.